For Gaza
tanea lunsford lynx
I want the stink of freedom on you
I want joyous sweat dampening your skin
I want a rhythmic and flamboyant snore erupting from your mouth
I want your mother’s belly and breast to rise and fall with the spell of a mostly promised tomorrow.
It takes peace to sleep like this.
I wish you dirt from the land that remembers you back under your nails
And in the fine lines of your palms
I wish you the sticky sweet mouth of satisfaction
I wish you fresh water to clean it with
I want you to enjoy the things your ancestors fought for
And the things beyond deserving
I want you to whistle a song in the street that skips the wet pools of lamplight at night
You must be happy to whistle
You must have air to whistle
You must have a song
And you must be free
So i wish you air
I wish you a song
I wish you happiness
I wish you freedom
I wish you air to whistle the resounding sound of freedom
May you know the peace of victory
May you enjoy the ripe fragrance of your harvest
I see your face in the future
I hear your whistle
And I smell your sweet odor of freedom
And so it is
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