through the pixels / all the surveillance / the enormity / of the blown
through hospital / crashes through the algorithm / collapses
between my fingers / the building's husk / ash gray / like it could crumble
in your hand / the journalist says / no / whole bodies / remain
instead / a kaleidoscope / of pieces / pressed into the earth /
like flowers crushed / into pages / for safe keeping / there is no
making anything / beautiful out of this / no imagined slumber /
where the martyrs / rest easy / this half year of death / endless
we make them reveal / the brutes they are / we do not stop / pressing
our foreheads / onto the floor / our sorrow staining / the prayer
rug / seeping / into the laminate / crying how unholy / how wasteful /
how radioactive land fall / how scorched earth / how stolen years / how dare
they stay quiet / how ruinous / how dust / but we don’t dare
lose hope / lose faith / the empire / with all its teeth / laid bare /
stands naked / in its cruelty / it demands our attention / we must
keep watch / honor the dead / as we break our fast / send all we can send /
through the border wall / to the living / there is so much coming
undone / so much we can never / return to / to witness the collapse
is an honor / a new world dawns / in Gaza's shadow / we press our hands /
to our chests / as we watch
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